Academic Activities

Davis Academic League (DAL)
The Davis Academic League (DAL) is popular in junior high schools (middle schools) around the United States. In participating schools, two coaches and anywhere from at least fifteen to approximately forty students compete with other schools in the same district. Students study math, science, geography, world history, and language arts. In the game, students prepare presentations about current events, and/or answer questions from any of the above listed categories. If a championship is won, it is possible to compete all the way to a national level. Most games are played with the two teams, judges, and coaches meeting in person, but in the national competition video conferencing may be used.

There are also four quarters or rounds in a game. Each quarter is different from all the others in some way which will be explained below. The buzzer team competes in the first, second, and fourth quarters, but the buzzer team members may be different from quarter to quarter. The presentation team competes in the third quarter, and some may compete in the fourth quarter. (Wikipedia)

See Miss Dennis for more information about becoming a member of the DAL. DAL starts in November.

AP Classes and Testing
The following are the AP courses we offer at FJH. AP testing is held in the first 2 weeks of May.

  • AP Human Geography

  • AP Environmental Science

  • AP Spanish Language and Culture