What Lunch Do I Have? This is the most recent lunch schedule. If you happen to see the one in the weekly newsletter, there was a change.
5 months ago, Layne Carter
What Lunch Do I Have 1st Semester? This was updated after the initial newsletter went out to parents.  Your lunch is determined by your 3rd and 7th period teachers.  Check out the list below to see which lunch your 3rd and 7th period teachers have, so that you know which lunch you have each day. 1st Lunch, Barkdull, Bate, Connors, Dennis, Deru, Flitton, Francis, Freeman, Gardner, Hacking, Henderson, Herzog, Horton, Jensen, King, Kranning, Lammi, Mathis, Seminary, Purdy, Rabelo, Robinett, Silva, Vazquez.  2nd Lunch, Alpizar, A. Anderson, B. Anderson, Bell, Brown, Cannon, Christian, Collier, Hernandez, Johnson, Jorgensen, Kovacs, Landen, Marcial, Marker, Martini, Pearce, Reimann, Pead, Schouten, Snell, Stoddard, Sunderland, Wolf.
HuskyCamp-WednesdayAugust7, 11:00 AM -1:00 PM On Wednesday August 7 from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM we are going to be having our 7th grade orientation day also known as our "Husky Camp." All 7th grade students are invited to attend this event. During "Husky Camp" students will get a chance to: -Meet student body officers and go on a tour of our school. -Get to know our school counselors and play a few games/activities with their peers. -Get to know their principals, who will review with them some basic school expectations and procedures. -Learn and practice school cheers with our school's cheerleading squad. We will also be having a 30-minute optional parent meeting for 7th grade parents during this time. This meeting will take place in Room 133 while students are participating in other activities. Room 133 is right by the main office.
5 months ago, Farmington Jr. High
9th Graders, Congratulations on completing Junior High! As you step into high school, remember that this is a new chapter filled with exciting opportunities and challenges. Embrace the journey, stay curious, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. High school is a time to discover your passions, make new friends, and create lasting memories. Believe in yourself, work hard, and most importantly, enjoy the ride. Best of luck!
7 months ago, Farmington Jr High
Welcome to Farmington Junior High! Our front office summer hours are 8:00am-2:00pm.
7 months ago, Farmington Jr High
Front of Farmington Junior High School